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Collaborative Evaluation to build closed repositories on business process models

TítuloCollaborative Evaluation to build closed repositories on business process models
Tipo de PublicaciónConference Proceedings
Year of Conference2014
AutoresOrdóñez Erazo, H. A., Corrales J. C., Cobos Lozada C. A., Wives L. K., & Thom L.
Conference NameICEIS 2014
Año de publicaciónAbril 2014
Año de publicaciónSpringer
Conference LocationLisboa
ISBNNowadays, many companies define, model and use business processes (BP) for several tasks. BP management has become an important
Palabras claveBusiness Process Relevance, Business Process Search Evaluation., Business Processes Management, Collaborative Methodology

Nowadays, many companies define, model and use business processes (BP) for several tasks. BP management has become an important research area and researchers have focused their attention on the development of mechanisms for searching BP models on repositories. Despite the positive results of the current mechanisms, there is no defined collaborative methodology to create a closed repository evaluation for these search mechanisms. This kind of repository contains some closed BP predefined lists representing queries and ideal answers to these queries with the most relevant BPs based on a set of evaluation metrics. This paper describes a methodology for creating such repositories. To apply the proposed methodology, we built a Web tool that allows to a set of evaluators to make relevance judgments in a collaborative way for each one of the items returned according to predefined queries. The evaluation metrics used can measure the consensus degree in the results, therefore confirming the methodology feasibility to create an open access, scalable and expandable closed BP repository with new BP models that can be reusable in future research.

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