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Smart TV-Smartphone Multiscreen Interactive Middleware for Public Displays

TítuloSmart TV-Smartphone Multiscreen Interactive Middleware for Public Displays
Tipo de PublicaciónJournal Article
Nuevas Publicaciones2015
AutoresMartínez Pabón, F. O., Ibarra Samboní J. J., Caicedo Guerrero J., Ramírez González G. A., & Hernández Leo D.
JournalThe Scientific World Journal
VolumenVolume 2015
Pagination14 pages
Año de publicaciónMarzo 2015
Type of ArticleInvestigación

A new generation of public displays demands high interactive and multiscreen features to enrich people’s experience in new pervasive environments. Traditionally, research on public display interaction has involved mobile devices as the main characters during the use of personal area network technologies such as Bluetooth or NFC. However, the emergent Smart TV model arises as an interesting alternative for the implementation of a new generation of public displays. This is due to its intrinsic connection capabilities with surrounding devices like smartphones or tablets. Nonetheless, the different approaches proposed by the most important vendors are still underdeveloped to support multiscreen and interaction capabilities for modern public displays, because most of them are intended for domestic environments. This research proposes multiscreen interactive middleware for public displays, which was developed from the principles of a loosely coupled interaction model, simplicity, stability, concurrency, low latency, and the usage of open standards and technologies. Moreover, a validation prototype is proposed in one of the most interesting public display scenarios: the advertising.


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